Sunday, March 18, 2007


Hey there! I just finished another big week .... and yesterday's workout was the longest one yet ... a 3.5 hour bike ride followed by a 2.5 hour run. That's what we call a big-ass brick. Normally we might run for 20 - 30 minutes after a bike ride just to get the leg muscles use to running after the bike. To make this even more challenging, we did a trail run that seemed to be mostly all up hill! And it was a warm day -- in the 80s. But I love hills and heat -- they make me stronger :) Today I swam 2000 yards. It was tough to get going this morning, but I definitely felt better after the swim and the jacuzzi!

The week of March 5th was a rest week, and it ended up be a tough one for me. As my 21 year old niece would say, I felt craptacular. With more time on my hands and not as many endorphins pumping through my body, I was sad. I had a dream about my Mom and Dad early that week. The good thing is that they are together and looking out for me. The bad thing is that they are no longer here with me on this earth. And the dream was too short; I didn't have enough time with them and I don't know when the next visit will be. I almost didn't go to the team swim workout that week, but I'm glad I did. We did a timed 2k swim, and I didn't want to be last. I swam through a few tears, but I took 3 minutes off my time and was NOT last! Yahoo!! 2 others finished behind me. I finally did a familiar route, an 11 mile hill repeat, on my new bike, and I was 7 minutes faster!!

When I am tapering for this race, somebody please remind me of how I felt during this past rest week. Tell me that it's normal to feel "craptacular" while my body recovers from all the stress, and that I'll be stonger and faster when I get to the starting line. Also, feel free to comment here. I have made it easier -- you no longer need to be a registerd Blog user. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I truly admire how much you can work out and make yourself feel good by doing it.
I don't exercise all that much, and maybe I should do it more. When I DO exercise, I love feeling all hot, when I can almost sense the heat diffusing out of me. I like running; it's got a nice rhythm to it.

You should also write about how long you've been doing these types of rigorous exercises and how they have helped you in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Go Trish Ray!! You are so inspirational. I had a tough time rolling out of bed to stretch today. What a wimp. But I had a "small ass brick" moment when the car repair guy aked, "You want me to drive you home?" And I said, "No - I'll walk!" Before I read your blog and learned that colorful traning term (such that I could mangle it), I called them "Think of Trisha" moments. I just thought of a new inspirational term just now as I logged on... "Got Rish Ray?" you know, like the "Got Milk? campaign. Well, as you can see your AMAZING undertaking is having ripple effects here in creaky lazy lady land. Keep it up, baby!!! And way to go, swimming through the tears...your parents are SO proud of you. They'll visit lots in dreams and sometimes when you are waiting in line somewhere and you might even laugh remembering. But I know it sucks that you have to remember instead of knowing they are here. That part does suck. I loved talking to you the other day... call anytime. Peace and a big hug, K