Summer began for me with the Ironman. The last day of school was June 26th so I actually started my summer vacation a few days early. And now it's over. I go back to work officially tomorrow, but I've already been in several days getting ready. Today was my last day to sleep in, but I woke up before 6:00am. I wanted so badly to sleep longer, but I was wide awake. I had to get up.
I took a few trips, caught up with friends, went to yoga, took care of some things that I had put off during months of training (like finding a place for the boxes of my grandmother's china that had been sitting in my livingroom since MAY!), and gained 7 pounds in the last 9 weeks. It doesn't seem right. While training for the race I gained 5 pounds. And no, that's not a roll of muscle around what use to be my waist. Seriously, I burned thousands of calories in a day, and I gained weight?! Then when I cut back on my workouts AND my eating, I gain more weight?! Obviously I was eating too much. I started to believe all those people who told me that I must be able to eat whatever I want. But when my pants no longer buttoned I had to get serious about my diet, and I have dropped a few of those summer pounds.
I've been focusing on the run these days. I'm thinking about running the Long Beach Marathon on October 14th, but only if I think I'll be able to have a decent time and feel good. I may end up just doing the half instead. I try to swim and cycle 1-2 days a week, but only if I feel like it.
I went to Minnesota to visit Super IM Fan Liz earlier this month. We held our own mini triathlon, her first!! Yay Liz! We did a 300 yard lake swim, 9 mile bike, and 3 mile run. She will be an official volunteer at IM Madison next week. I think she may be hooked :)
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