Tomorrow I leave for Coeur d'Alene!! Coach Paul told us that we should be getting LOTS of sleep now, and usually I'm pretty good at that. This morning, though, I was up at 4:00 and couldn't get back to sleep. So I decided to get up and get stuff done in the hopes that I can get to bed early (by 8:00pm) tonight since I have to be at the airport at 4:30am tomorrow.
Last night was our last swim practice. Here I am (blue shorts & sweatshirt) walking into the pool with teammates Raul, Laurie, and Dean.

To simulate race conditions, each of us had to swim through the "gauntlet".. .. apparently it's a TnT tradition. Some said ours was pretty tame, but it sure didn't feel that way to me. And Matt reminded us all that we could all do this for 6 hours! So there.


I reached my fundraising minimum of $8500 a couple of weeks ago, and I am so grateful to all of you with have supported me through this long journey. Thank you!!
Stats for the season:
swim: 149,288 yards
bike: 2,146 miles
run: 573 miles
total time: 340 hours, 40 minutes
What the hell am I going to do with myself after this?!
I will post a race report here as soon as possible.
1 comment:
Trish -- you rock! We'll be cheering you on all day on race day! Best of luck. We love you.
Nancy & Kevin
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